By Reach Brands
Ten interesting and useful reported statistics on consumer attitudes, behaviours, trends and demographics.
- Trendy brews including healthy green tea, herbal and fruit blends, are tempting the nation away from the traditional English Breakfast version with a 10% rise in sales of fruit and herbal bags.
How Britain went potty for green tea: Sales of trendy varieties soar – Mail Online Wednesday April 2011
- With well paid job, shrinking mortgage debts and their children no longer living at home, about a million people in their 50s and 60s now consider about 10% of their income as disposable.
Marketing Week 05th April 2012 – Trends – Empty Nesters By Morag Cuddeford-Jones
- Only six out of 10 shoppers stick with a brand irrespective of price; two-thirds look for offers.
Marketing Magazine 04th April Key Trends
- Chilled versions of drinks traditionally served hot, such as iced tea, was the biggest growth category in 2011 – up 45% to £22m.
Marketing Week 23rd March 2012 Soft drinks marketeers need to demonstrate added value. Lara O’Reilly
- 13% of consumers think that the healthiness of their meal is most important when choosing food. 42% cite taste and 24% cost as the most important factors.
Fries and Figures with your burger? By Lucy Handley Marketing Week 27th October 2011
- Almost 40% of women say they use more bodycare products in the summer.
Maintaining a healthy glow by Jane Bainbridge Marketing Magazine 16th November 2011
- Pour yourself another one! A study has found that men who enjoy a relaxing drink are actually better at solving brain teasers than those who are stone cold sober.
How an alcoholic drink or two can sharpen up your mind by Fiona Macrae MailOnline 11th April 2012
- According to a study commissioned by chocolate biscuit brand Rocky, in 2011, one in seven youngsters in the UK spent just 26 hours playing outdoors over the whole year. - A survey by Stoves, the British manufacturer of cookers, found that half of British consumers don’t know which brands still claim to be made in Britain.
Buying British: how to spend our way out of recession by Joanne O’Connell 28th April 2012
- Three quarters of consumers globally think it is important that companies take responsible actions such as using environmentally friendly ingredients. This is a growing trend, according to the Gfk Roper Consulting Green Gauge Global 2011 survey.
Transparently Green by Elizabeth Jeffries – Marketing Magazine 14th March 2012
By Michelle Vincent, Strategy Executive at Reach